Topics: 2015
JGP has been approved by ICANN as a panel to develop Japanese TLD Label Rules
(18 March 2015)
JGP has been approved by ICANN as an entity to propose the Japanese version of RootLGR.
It will work on developing a Japnese aspect of RootLGR through cooperation and collaboration with Chinese and Korean counterparts and Integration Panel.
Hiro Hotta is appointed as Chair of JGP, and JPRS takes the role of Secretariat along with JPNIC.
- 1. 日本語gTLDラベルに関するルールを検討するパネル「JGP」の設立をICANNが承認
(In Japanese)
- 2. Establishment of JGP has been approved by ICANN to develop the rules for Japanese gTLD labels
- 3. 日本語コミュニティによる日本語ルートゾーンラベル生成ルール(LGR)策定のための生成パネルの形成について
(In Japanese)
- 4. Japanese Community Forms Generation Panel for Developing the Japanese Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)