Topics: 2007
JPRS publishes "JP Domain Name Registry Report 2006"
On March 27, JPRS published the "JP Domain Name Registry Report 2006" (Japanese version), the annual report of JPRS for 2006 on the management and administration of JP domain names.
JPRS has continued to strike a proper balance between the four core values - reliability, stability, usability and fee performance - which constitute the basis of the JP domain name registration services. In 2006, JPRS further increased the value of each of these areas. Specific activities are listed below, with particular emphasis on improving the reliability and usability of the JP domain name services, and promoting public awareness and utilization of Japanese JP domain names.
Efforts to improve reliability and usability of the JP domain name services
- Started deletion of DNS records for improperly-set DNS server registrations (January)
- Released "Advisory on registration of domain names" in order to reduce troubles related to domain name registration and infringement of the rights of others caused by the registration. (February)
- Shortened the update interval of JP DNS from once a day to once every 15 min. (April)
- Revised the eligibility criteria for domain names in accordance with the Corporate Law which was newly enforced. (May)
- Changed the number of domain names that government agencies are able to register from one to multiple in order to support the Japanese government's information security program "Secure Japan 2006". (September)
Effort to promote publicity and utilization of Japanese JP domain names
- Set up a website related to "Eki Machi Guide" (http://駅街ガイド.jp) (January to December)
- Cooperated in "Yomase Taisho" (http://読ませ大賞.jp), a campaign to promote use of Japanese JP domain names. (October)
- Co-worked with JP Registrars to reduce fees of Japanese JP domain names (October)
- Released guidelines to enable clicking on Japanese JP domain name URLs in email texts. (December)
As a result of these efforts, the cumulative number of registered general-use JP domain names including Japanese JP domain names exceeded 500,000 on November 1, 2006. The number of registered domain names hit 300,000 on January 1, 2007, and 97% of Japanese companies listed on the first section of the stock market have registered domain names.
In 2007, JPRS will continue to strive for reducing fees even more and pursue better fee performance. Furthermore, we will promote distribution of Japanese JP domain names more vigorously. JPRS will also strive to enhance reliability, stability and usability.
JP Domain Name Registry Report 2006 (in Japanese; English translation to be published soon)