








  1. ITU:国際電気通信連合(International Telecommunication Union)
  2. CWG-Internet (Council Working Group on international Internet-relatedpublic policy)
    "Background & Scope"

  3. JPRSのコメント


    We appreciate the opportunity to express our views on international public policy issues by responding to the online open consultation run by the ITU Council Working Group on international Internet-related public policy issues (CWG-Internet).
    Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd. (JPRS) is a private company that serves as Japanese ccTLD (.jp) registry. It contributes to the global and local Internet resource management in cooperation with ICANN, Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC), Japanese government, and other entities. Further, it makes various contributions as well to the Internet growth and development through IETF, ISOC, IGF and so on.
    Here we submit our comments to this Open Consultation from the standpoint of an organization that serves the Internet infrastructure and its usage environment.
    We pay our respect to the effort by parties and individuals involved in the Internet growth and development, and expect the discussions in ITU will lead to further sound development and more secure and stable Internet.

    Question 1:
    What are the developmental aspects of the Internet (for example, economic, social, regulatory and technical aspects), especially for developing countries?

    Answer to question 1:
    One of the indispensable nature of the Internet is "equally connecting every corner of the world". It has been the strong will and autonomous activities of various stakeholders that have served as driving force of the growth and development of the Internet. Such activities, among others, include policy setting, technical standardization, and stable operation of the Internet.

    From such a point of view, it is necessary to continuously maintain the nature of the Internet, which is "equally connecting every corner of the world", not only in the Internet infrastructure layer but also in the layers of the application and contents. In order to realize that, we believe that vigorous discussion and activities conducted by various stakeholders should be the basis in all aspects including technology, economy, society, regulation, and so forth. It should be noted that the aforementioned remark is essential especially for developing countries, where people tend to suffer from expanding digital divide.

    Question 2:
    How can governments and other stakeholders promote the developmental aspects of the Internet?

    Answer to question 2:
    Regarding the technical resource management of the Internet, ICANN is contributing to the security and stability of the domain name system (DNS) through nondiscriminatory and vigorous discussion by diverse stakeholders such as government, private sector, civil society, and so on. This framework of participation further strengthens the situation where those who are connected from every corner of the world can contribute to the development of the Internet and also enjoy the benefits of the Internet.

    This framework is based on open and bottom-up multistakeholder model and is firming its position as driving force not only for sound resource management but also for the whole Internet growth and development.

    Therefore, talking about the role of government, we wish each government to take actions that help accelerating the growth and development of the Internet as one of the collaborative stakeholders in the multistakeholder process.

    Question 3:
    What are the challenges and opportunities?

    Answer to question 3:
    One of the outstanding characteristics of the Internet is "borderless free flow of information", which gives extraordinary ability to the Internet. We have strong concern that the speed of the growth and development of the Internet would seriously ruined, if intergovernmental organizations and/or national governments should have excess influence to the policy and technical development by means of international treaties and/or national regulations. We strongly request such situation is avoided.

    On the contrary, if intergovernmental organizations and national governments support and guide autonomous cooperation among various stakeholders beyond the frames of the countries, it will strongly promote the success in developmental aspect of the Internet and will make all people on the globe benefit from the development of the Internet.







    そのような観点において、インターネットのインフラのみでなく、その利用やコンテンツのレイヤーに至るまで、「世界のどこからでも誰もが同じようにアクセスできる」性質が今後も維持される必要があります。それを実現する意味でも技術、経済、社会、規制、すべてにおいて、多様なステークホルダーの参加による闊達(かったつ)な議論と活動が基盤となるべきであると考えます。 これは、人々がデジタル格差拡大に苦しむ傾向にある途上国にとって極めて重要です。





